Purpose of the document

This document was organized to sync the community member’s understanding of DAO through archiving various sectors and cases.

(Case studstill being archived)

Table of contents

  1. What is DAO?
  2. DAO categorization
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Case study
  5. Take a way

What is DAO?

DAO is an abbreviation of Decentralized Autonomous Organization. DAO is a group of people who have entered into a protocol with one another to reach a coordinated goal and take share in value creation when goal is achived. They are software enabled organization where single institution(such as Bank, Company), cannot controll. Anyone can enter/exit the DAO through selling/buying the share of the DAO, mostly Erc-20 governance tokens or NFT. Members of DAO can make proposal and throw vote to decide the proposal.

As stated above, DAO requires four key components

DAO is an unicorn

DAO is an unicorn

DAO Categorization

DAO has largely developed into two axes: 1) financial and 2) social. On-chain-based operations were more prominent( at the perspective of decentralization) as DAOs focused on finance which can be easily tracked, and on the contrary, social-oriented DAOs has many off-chain actions.